Lancaster Creative Factory hosts Girls on the Run For Create
O’Crocs Day
When I imagined Saturday’s Create O’Crocs Day with 100 young
women enhancing 100 Crocs’ shoes, I didn’t dare to dream of a day like the one
that happened. It was perfectly amazing!
Our estimated number of 180 participants grew to over 200 team young women of
Lancaster Girls on the Run (GOTR).
Lancaster Creative Factory (LCF) hosted these energetic artists and
their parents along with the help of twenty-one plus volunteers! Our LCF team worked together with the
Executive Board of GOTH, as well as some of the girls themselves, to facilitate
a fun filled journey.
Girls traveled through five stations.
#1. and #2. Create Your Crocs-painting and
#3. Snap Shot Station-photos of girls with
finished Crocs
Crocs were then tied together in pairs and draped over a clothesline
to dry.
Station #4. Setting the Pace-presented information for our
guests. The Faces of the Homeless exhibit provided to us by the Lancaster
Coalition to End Homelessness and “The Beginning” mural made available by
Lancaster County Youth Intervention Center were focal points in this area. Tabor Community Services, Waterstreet Ministries,
Crocs Park City Center, Lancaster Creative Factory and Girls on the Run provided
literature posters and flyers.
Our speaker, Cristina Lickman from Waterstreet, shared her
experience working with families and children experiencing homelessness. Music filled the morning air with Christopher
“Wind Eagle” Thompson’s soothing guitar and flutes. We rocked out in the afternoon Francis Miller’s
violin, interactive percussion beats with Tammy Hesson and her friend, Lori.
The fifth Station-The Finish Line gave young artists an
opportunity to sign the O’Crocs Window of Awareness structure and write a
message to the children experiencing homelessness who will receive a pair of
Crocs donated by Lancaster Creative Factory.
Before exiting through Kevin’s studio and showroom, each participant
shared their thoughts and experience on a page of the day’s journal.
Kevin Lehman, Lancaster Creative Factory’s Founder, worked
with Clint Costanzo, of Fontanini Italian Meats and Sausage. They are masters
at making delicious brick oven pizzas for our guests. Lancaster’s J. Walter Miller Company provided
snacks and drinks.
How do I begin to thank all of you who made this day so
special for so many? I hold the memory
of that day in my heart as a treasured jewel, a gift. Your bright enthusiastic faces were glorious,
beautiful, and joyful. I’m deeply
grateful to all of you who helped make my “little” dream become reality.